Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Styrofoam-The Truth behind the Container

Sitting in the back booth of a restaurant, waiting on the check and the to-go box for all that leftover pasta that you couldn’t force yourself to eat. But, it will reheat like a dream and make a perfect lunch to take to work the next day. The waitress comes to the table and hands you one of the most dreaded materials known to man. No, it isn’t a rusty can or a dripping piece of unwashed flatware, it is a box made of styrofoam. So what is the big deal? It is just a box right? Wrong.

Styrofoam is the Frankenstein-monster of the Eco-Awareness movement. This material, made with a petroleum base, is made from a non-renewable fossil fuel and is both harmful to humans and the environment. When it is made, styrofoam can release up to 57 harmful chemicals into the air causing pollution. Also, if it is ingested by either humans or animals it can result in sickness or death. Linked to both nerve damage and Cancer, when styrofoam is used as a food or drink container, you run a very high risk of contamination.

Along with the dangers that the use of styrofoam poses to humans, the biggest risks are to the planet. Styrofoam does not biodegrade and can sit in landfills for hundreds of years. This can result in chemicals seeping into the ground and causing pollution and contamination to both the soil and water sources.

The best way to prevent Styrofoam from causing harm to humans and the environment is to stop using it entirely. Look for biodegradable products and try reusable cups and boxes for your lunch, morning cup of coffee and bottled water.

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