Wednesday, February 9, 2011

5 Easy Ways to find Locally Grown Food near you

A new term has been introduced into the Organic/Green movement’s vocabulary recently. Along with words like sustainability and free-range, the word Locavore is quickly becoming the norm outside of eco-conscious awareness groups. Describing the social movement towards transitioning to purchasing, consuming and supporting foods grown locally, becoming a locavore is gaining much praise and enthusiasm among average consumers. Not widely publicized, the majority of our food found in local grocery stores must travel upwards into the thousands of miles prior to being placed on shelves. This process uses an exorbitant amount of non-renewable fossil fuels and contributes to the overall pollution of the environment by releasing harmful amounts of toxins into the air through the use of large transportation trucks. Choosing locally grown food is not only a key factor in living an organic lifestyle but, it also promotes environmentally sound practices for sustainable agriculture, trade and eco-awareness throughout the country. New resources are becoming available everyday in order to become connected to locally sourced foods. The following tips are just some of the ways in which the average consumer can begin their transition to a healthier, locally driven organic lifestyle.

1. Farmer’s Markets-most cities smaller communities will have a farmer’s market located near you. They are a great way to find locally grown foods and handmade products that you can’t find anywhere else. Both fresh and seasonal, take the time to get to know the growers and discover all the new ways in which organic agriculture is developing in your city.

2. Internet Searches- with just a few clicks of your mouse, you will be able to get in touch with local growers, organic dairies, organic meat providers and food co-ops near you. Try sending a grower an email to find out what they grow and how you can purchase their products.

3. Whole Foods and Health Stores- chain like Whole Foods, Trader Joes and Earthfare are fabulous places to find locally sourced foods as well as numerous other products that fit any Organic lifestyle.

4. Your Local Grocery Store-read the labels in your local produce aisle and look for products that have been grown nearest to you. Avoid anything that is grown out of the country or has to travel across the country in order to be stocked on the shelves. A lot of grocery stores are now featuring locally grown providers so read all the labels and look for in store specials!

5. Grow it yourself-this might be the hardest of all of the other suggestions but, if you grow something yourself you will know where it comes from and have a truer sense of accomplishment when you are done.

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